This photo below 👇🏻 was sent to me by the client asking if I could help as she was getting married within the next few months. 😯
Client's original tattooed eyebrows
Many years ago this Sweet client came to me with the issue of old-fashioned tattooed brows, desperate to have them look perfect for her special day she wanted a better shape and a much softer, natural brow.
Removal is my specialty and even though this was going to be a long journey in a short time frame, she was very appreciative of the fact I can help and it will be multiple appointments with no guaranteed results.
This photo below was after 3 Li-FT removal treatments the pigment shifting just enough to move forward with her
After 3 Li-FT removal treatments
She was losing the will and time to continue to have multiple LI-FT removal sessions before her wedding. I didn’t see the need for more Li-FT removal so it was time to move to correction as I didn’t think much more was going to lift out. Plus it was important to take into account the scar tissue caused.
I scheduled her appointment and we set to it. I didn’t quite know what I was going to do till I got to work and saw how her skin took colour.
Much to my surprise the color I corrected with flew in. I did a few techniques and light whip shading only on the old work as you can see in the photo below.
I decided to go straight to the target colour, This photo below is after the first pass and new shape. I worked the old shape to my advantage by keeping the fronts and top of the brow airy. This is straight after.
The final result was just amazing. When I handed her the mirror we both jumped and screamed with joy! one of my many favorite corrections 💖